Itineraire pour la famille Rice-Desouza
12/05 Depart Montreal a Toronto 11am
Toronto a Beijing 12:30pm
12/06 Arrivee
a Beijing 16:50, correspondance pour Urumqi 20:30-00:40,loge a Urumqi
12/09 Rencontre de bebe au bureau des affaires
civiles, inscripion de l’adoption au bureau des affaires civiles et chez le
notaire,demande de la passeport a la police
12/12 Envoi des
dossiers a SAI
12/13 Obtention de passeport
12/14 Depart pour Beijing 11:20-14:50,loge a JW Marriott Hotel
12/15 Visite de la Grande Muraille
12/16 Demande de visa a l’ambassade du Canada .
12/17 Visite de la
Place Tian ’an Men et la Cite Interdite
12/18 Visite du Palais d’Ete
12/19 Reprise de visa , retour au Canada 18:45
There is a whole lot of planned sight seeing the week in Beijing. We definitely do not plan on doing ALL of it. I'm torn about the 15th. It's the visit to the Great Wall of China but it's an all day affair. Of course we want to visit it but we'll play it by ear. I will base all our decisions on Jack and how he is doing (and of course how dad and I are doing!). If I think an 8 hour day of touring/eating will not benefit him in any way, then we will rethink our plans. We can always go on our own just to see it, but then again dad and I are not keen on adventuring out on our own. We'll see how things go. We are fine sitting around the hotel napping! LOL! Yes I know that sounds crazy.
4 more sleeps...
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