Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The First Few Days...

So much has happened since my last post, I don't even know where to begin.  Not having access to the blog the first couple of days threw my plans to blog each day as a record for Jack out the window.  Even, finally having access, I have been so tired that I just haven't had the energy to write.  I think my body has finally adjusted itself, not to mention the good night sleep Jack allowed me to have last night!
We arrived in Urumqi on Saturday early in the morning.  It's a very beautiful hotel but the room is very small! 

Later Saturday morning we met our guide and we went for a walk around the area.  We searched and searched for a Bank of China to exchange our Canadian funds but none were open on the weekend.  I have never seen SO many banks in my life...I think there is a different one on every corner.  After having a nap, we met Thomas again and he took us to a local market where they sell many different things...foods, clothing, purses, coats etc...  It's one of those markets where people "attack" you to buy something and you bargain down the prices.

On Sunday Thomas took us to a beautiful park that was once a water mill.  It had a "Montreal Beaver Lake" kind of feel.  It was really beautiful.  There was a large Buddhist temple at the top that we were allowed to go up to, where people were bowing before these statues believing that the statues will answer their prayers.  Oh how my heart hurt.

This is called a "Lovers Tree"... apparently it looks like a man and woman with their arms around each other.
On Sunday night we went out for supper around the corner.  The restaurant was freezing!  Our guide ordered for us.  It was d-e-l-I-c-I-o-u-s!!!  There are many Muslims in this region and the food we ate was very much like Indian food.  Spicy, saucy, potatoes and lamb, served with rice.  Oh would Jon have loved that!!!!
On a side note...having been to Vietnam before, nothing shocks me anymore.  Things are done a lot different in these countries and you just gotta roll with it!  Driving is most "civilized" here compared to the Philippines and Vietnam.  They actually have speed monitors on the streets so drivers do get tickets.  There is definitely still some insanity to it -- people walking across main highways, drivers driving down the white lines on the street, driving on the shoulder of the roads, drivers entering and exiting where and when they want on highways etc...  Dad has a new found appreciation for Montreal driving and parking!  Even slabs of raw meat hanging out on the street corners doesn't even phase me LOL!
Monday morning was the big day...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Beginning...

Well here dad and I sit in Montreal waiting for our flight to Toronto.

I was a blubbery mess saying goodbye to Nathaniel and Fredrick.  Nathaniel looked at me like I had lost my mind.  Fredrick started to cry but once Tita Cindy gave him food and said they'd play a game, he was fine.  Hugged me, kissed me and said, "Bye mom!"  Phew!  Mom was just "a little" emotional :-)

Here is our final photo as a family of FOUR (not a great pic but that's what happens when you're running late):

(I am so white!!!! LOL!)
So we check in our bags and I am WAY over on my weight (the bag not me HA HA!)...It was going to cost $100.  The lady was very nice and suggested I go buy a bag at a kiosk and throw some things in there.  The bag cost $30.  We were entitled to 2 bags each.  Dad brought an extra duffle bag in his suitcase so we'll fill that up coming home.
Moving on to wants me to say everything went smoothly but that would be a lie!  There was a "mass" in his bag that caused some commotion!  A whole bunch of agents were checking out the computer screen to try and figure out what this "mass" was!  They emptied his bag and figured it was just the way certain items were placed.
An answer to prayer...our seats were changed on our LONG flight to Beijing (and this was without us asking)...we have seats at the very front! Mom was concerned dad would get leg cramps from being confined to a small area for so long.  Now he can get up all he wants, and stretch out his legs.  THANK YOU LORD!
Well, we are boarding soon.  Rice family this is for you...they just called up passenger "Rice", so dad goes and they said, "No, Donald Rice"! 
Well I'll write again "soon"!  Keep those prayers coming! 
 Jack...Mommy is on her way!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Well Friday afternoon we finally got our itinerary for the trip.  It goes a little something like this...

Itineraire pour la famille Rice-Desouza
12/05 Depart Montreal a Toronto 11am
                     Toronto a Beijing 12:30pm

12/06  Arrivee a Beijing 16:50, correspondance pour Urumqi 20:30-00:40loge a Urumqi

12/09  Rencontre de bebe au bureau des affaires civiles, inscripion de l’adoption au bureau des affaires civiles et chez le notaire,demande de la passeport a la police

12/12  Envoi des dossiers a SAI

12/13  Obtention de passeport

12/14  Depart pour Beijing 11:20-14:50loge a JW Marriott Hotel

12/15  Visite de la Grande Muraille

12/16  Demande de visa a l’ambassade du Canada.

12/17  Visite de la Place Tian’an Men et la Cite Interdite

12/18  Visite du Palais d’Ete

12/19  Reprise de visa , retour au Canada 18:45

There is a whole lot of planned sight seeing the week in Beijing.  We definitely do not plan on doing ALL of it.  I'm torn about the 15th.  It's the visit to the Great Wall of China but it's an all day affair.  Of course we want to visit it but we'll play it by ear.  I will base all our decisions on Jack and how he is doing (and of course how dad and I are doing!).  If I think an 8 hour day of touring/eating will not benefit him in any way, then we will rethink our plans.  We can always go on our own just to see it, but then again dad and I are not keen on adventuring out on our own.  We'll see how things go.  We are fine sitting around the hotel napping!  LOL!  Yes I know that sounds crazy.
4 more sleeps...