Saturday, July 6, 2013

Log-In-Date (LID)

FINALLY...Some news!!!

On Canada Day, we celebrated at a local park where there were lots of activities for the kids.  I have an adoption radar like you wouldn't believe...sometimes I scare myself.  I saw this little boy run past me and he was just so darn cute.  My radar went off.  I turned around to see his parents, and sure enough it was a mom I had met at a playgroup I attended for a short while for adoptive families.  Both her boys are adopted from China and both have cleft lip/palate.

She was surprised that we hadn't heard anything yet but maybe the "closure" had something to do with it.  Closure?  Huh?  What?  I don't usually bug our agency or resource person, but I had to send off an email to find out what was going on.  So I sent off an email yesterday afternoon and sure enough last night I received a reply.  We have a log-in-date (LID) of April 09, 13.

China is soooo different from what we've experienced with the Philippines and Vietnam that I'm not 100% sure what this means for us.  All I care is this is one step further.  Everyone waits for that LID and we finally have one.  I know through the "non special needs" program, families are matched according to the LID.  In other words matches are made in chronological order.  All I know is that apparently we just need to wait for a child on a list that matches the SN we are willing to accept and because we are one of the few families that are willing to accept a boy, a proposal should be made rather quickly once a child is found whom matches our "criteria" (has the SN we are willing to accept).

This probably sounds like a whole lot of nothing.  But as I said...1 step closer.  We are still depending on the Lord to continue to open the doors or to shut them closed.  This is definitely taking longer than I had thought, but it is all about God's timing and not my own.  It will work out so well if mom and I travel in the fall.  Nathaniel will be in school and a good friend of mine (who Fredrick knows) has offered to help out with Fredrick 3 days a week if need be.  It will also work out well for mom.  Keeping focus on the positive!

So glad I can finally write an update! :-)

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