Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change of Plans

I always get a lump in my stomach when someone starts a conversation with, "I need to talk to you about something..." and that is exactly what my mom did to me the other day.

"It's about travelling to China..."


"How would you feel about me staying home and dad travelling with you when the time comes..."

That's ALL?  Phew!

So that's the change of plans.  Dad will be my travelling buddy.  We did a road trip to Scarborough, Ontario together this spring and survived...what's a trip to China and back?  LOL!

Mom is worried about Fredrick and how he will be with me gone for 2 weeks.  With mom here, he'd have that "motherly comfort" while I'm gone, she'd be able to cook supper and prepare lunches for Jon and Nathaniel, and do laundry for the boys.  Jon was quite pleased with this!

Dad hasn't got to experience either of the other 2 adoptions, so that will be exciting for him.  He also loves world history, so China is a great place to experience some of that.  Dad and I also like to nap so we'll do a lot of that LOL!

I think we're both a little nervous.  Dad has never done anything like this before so he's not quite sure what to expect, and I've never done it without the help of mom (or Jon for that matter).  He must be somewhat excited though...he's already made an appointment to get his travel shots.

I am so blessed to have parents who are so willing to drop everything to travel across the world with me...not once, not twice, but THREE times!

Before I get all wrapped up in travel plans...we need a phone call...with a proposal, of course!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Log-In-Date (LID)

FINALLY...Some news!!!

On Canada Day, we celebrated at a local park where there were lots of activities for the kids.  I have an adoption radar like you wouldn't believe...sometimes I scare myself.  I saw this little boy run past me and he was just so darn cute.  My radar went off.  I turned around to see his parents, and sure enough it was a mom I had met at a playgroup I attended for a short while for adoptive families.  Both her boys are adopted from China and both have cleft lip/palate.

She was surprised that we hadn't heard anything yet but maybe the "closure" had something to do with it.  Closure?  Huh?  What?  I don't usually bug our agency or resource person, but I had to send off an email to find out what was going on.  So I sent off an email yesterday afternoon and sure enough last night I received a reply.  We have a log-in-date (LID) of April 09, 13.

China is soooo different from what we've experienced with the Philippines and Vietnam that I'm not 100% sure what this means for us.  All I care is this is one step further.  Everyone waits for that LID and we finally have one.  I know through the "non special needs" program, families are matched according to the LID.  In other words matches are made in chronological order.  All I know is that apparently we just need to wait for a child on a list that matches the SN we are willing to accept and because we are one of the few families that are willing to accept a boy, a proposal should be made rather quickly once a child is found whom matches our "criteria" (has the SN we are willing to accept).

This probably sounds like a whole lot of nothing.  But as I said...1 step closer.  We are still depending on the Lord to continue to open the doors or to shut them closed.  This is definitely taking longer than I had thought, but it is all about God's timing and not my own.  It will work out so well if mom and I travel in the fall.  Nathaniel will be in school and a good friend of mine (who Fredrick knows) has offered to help out with Fredrick 3 days a week if need be.  It will also work out well for mom.  Keeping focus on the positive!

So glad I can finally write an update! :-)