Sunday, December 2, 2012


Well since everyone wants to know, I thought I better give a quick update on our progress.

We had our last meeting with our social worker on November 21.  It was just a "formality" as China requires 4 meetings.  We were basically there to discuss special needs and parenting a "special needs" child but it ended up being more of a discussing our own personal issues meeting!  Oh well, it's always nice to talk about our own quirks every so often especially to someone who actually looks like they are listening!

What I actually took from this last meeting...was...that whenever discussing adoption with professionals and you bring up an issue your adoptive child is having, or something they said, or how they reacted to a certain situation, it's always "possible this is an internal adoptee identity crisis" or "the child's way of mourning the loss they have suffered", yada yada yada.  I have a hard time with this because children have their moments where they become particularly needy, clingy and react negatively to situations, whether adopted or biological.  I refuse to declare that every time Nathaniel cries for mommy or daddy, or doesn't want to do something or becomes extra clingy that it's because he's dealing with some adoption-related issue.  Because I am the person I am, and I like to reach out and learn from other adoptive families, I came home that night deciding to reach out to an adoptive mom who has 2 older adoptees.  Her response was very comforting and confirmed how I feel.  I can appreciate that the professionals are "extra sensitive" to how adoptees might be internalizing everything and I appreciate that it forces me to do more research which causes me to reach out to other adoptive families.  I'm so blessed to have made those relationships and that we are all so willing to discuss our situations. 


So we're now waiting for our final home study report.  He said it would take approximately 10 days (which we've now passed) but I've learned to be patient...3rd time round I'd hope so.  Once we have the final report in hand, I can put our file together and bring it to our agency for them to do "their thing".  My goal is to have everything handed in before Jan 01.  I haven't exactly started putting our file together because nothing is final until I have that home study in my hands.  Once I hand it into our agency I have no idea what happens from there.  China is so different than the other countries we have applied to.  One step at a time is my motto!

So there it is folks...nothing exciting happening around here.  Nathaniel is sick, so we're hanging out at home while everyone else is at church.  We may just put up some Christmas decor to help me get into the swing of things.  I've been listening to Christmas music, but it's not helping my spirits at all!  Growing up Christmas decor / celebrations didn't start until AFTER my birthday (Dec 12), so maybe my mindset is still there!  10 more days and hopefully I'll be in the mood, at least for the sake of the kids!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!

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