Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well, I've been "busy" getting forms filled out for our Youth and Family Services (Batshaw).  Once I hand all those in, we can get our homestudy completed.  It has been quite discouraging getting all the forms filled out.  They surprised us with a financial statement they want us to get completed by our bank.  We never had this before and I'm not understanding why now.  My guess is this is a third adoption and they want to make sure we can afford 3 children.

Our bank will not sign the form.  They will not make a claim that we are financially sound to raise a child.  URGH!  I contacted Batshaw and they said it was no problem.  All they really needed was a letter stating we pay our bills on time.  GREAT!  I try to contact the bank manager, with no response.  URGH!  Finally after several phone calls, he phoned me back yesterday that the bank would write a letter for both Jon and I that our accounts are in good standing order.  GREAT!  And that there is usually a $10 fee per letter, but the bank would pay that cost in support of us.  GREAT!

Jon still has to go see a doctor to get a requisition for blood work, get the blood work done, then get the Dr. to complete (2) medical forms.  He is so busy at work and has had to take some time off because he pulled a muscle in his neck, I just don't know when this is going to happen.  Medicals are the worst!  I got mine filled out yesterday since I had had blood work done a couple of months ago, my Dr. was able to complete it withing minutes!

I`ve just been feeling discouraged that I almost told Jon this past weekend, I didn't want to do this anymore.  What if this isn't the Lord's will and this is our cue to stop here?  But then these thoughts pop in my mind, "If this is really the Lord's will, I surely don't want us to miss out on such a blessing!"; "If this is really the Lord's will, this is satan just trying to mess around with me...and I don't want to give him the pleasure of seeing us miss out on such a blessing!"

So I will treck on getting everything put together.  I'm not expecting it to all get done quickly...I don't feel the time restriction as I did the last 2 times.  It's kind of hard to explain but the last 2 adoptions were a way of "completing" our family.  This time it's more, "we are called to care for the orphans" and if the Lord has another child for our family then we are super excited to meet this child and love him (her) to pieces.  My heart is already full.  BUT if this is not the right timing or if this is it for our family then my heart will be hurt but I still have my 2 boys who I adore and a third child just wasn't meant to be.  I am confident that the Lord will work everything out for HIS good!

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