Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here We Go Again...

When I think about us adopting for the THIRD time, the movie "The gods Must be Crazy" comes to mind...only replace "The gods" with "The deSouzas"!  What are we thinking?  What AM I thinking?  I'm the one who does almost all the paper work, I will be the one doing all the packing, I will be the one travelling (I'll get to that later) and I'll be the stay-at-home mom of THREE kids!  But hubby and I believe that we are meant to adopt once again internationally.  We believe the Lord has called us to do so.  I have been waiting {im}patiently for hubby to be on board with me.  A lot of praying has gone into it as well.  I NEVER wanted it to me pushing the topic/decision.  I wanted hubby to want it as well.  My heart was aching each and every day.  I wanted so badly to call our agency and say, "Send us the contract.  We're ready."  Suddenly, one evening, hubby turned to me and asked, "So when are we starting #3?"  I played it cool as if I didn't know what he was talking about (YEAH RIGHT!).  The rest is history.  The contract has been signed and the first cheque signed!

So after looking into our options we have decided that the China Special Needs program is where the Lord is leading us.  There are several reasons for this.  I absolutely love our adoption agency and wouldn't want to go with any other organization.  They are like family and they really give the guidance and support that is needed.  Another reason, is that for China only one parent is required to travel, and it's "only" a 2-week stay.  Jon really doesn't want to travel again.  We aren't the travelling type, unless it's to somewhere in the USA, where home is not too far off.  Since I'm more willing to travel and wouldn't consider any other possibility, because I must be there to hold my child for the first time, there was no question I'd be the one to travel, while Jon stays home with the boys.  My mom has said she is willing to travel with me and possibly my dad since he missed out on the last 2 adoption travel experiences.

The most important reason we feel we are being led to China is we decided that we were very much open to go through the Special Needs program.  While in Vietnam we witnessed so many precious children with special needs that were in desperate need of a family.  I knew there was a reason the Lord brought us to Vietnam, but I didn't realize what that reason was.  I will always remember the first day we spent at the Red Cross orphanage.  There was the most precious baby girl.  We couldn't keep our eyes off her.  Mom ran to her when she cried, just to hold her.  Her special need?  She has a cleft lip (& palate -- I'm not sure).  I fell in love with her and wished I could bring her home with us.  Unfortunately we could not, but fortunately another family from Quebec did.  I now get to see this beautiful little girl grow up through her mom's blog.  This sweet baby girl had the biggest impact on our family.  Mom felt called to sponsor an organization that performs surgeries on children with cleft lip and palate and Jon and I will probably be adopting a boy with this "special need".  I don't even consider this a special's a birth defect that is correctable and the child will grow up healthy and loved.  Yes he(she) will need surgeries, but we're not going to turn away one of God's children simply because he/she needs surgeries, dental work, speech therapy and whatever else they may need. 

Psalm 127:3 -- "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him."  This verse doesn't say "only healthy, perfect children" are a reward from the Lord.  ALL children are a reward from Him.  We want to go where the Lord leads us.  We want to embrace any child the Lord rewards us with.

And NO our main reason for choosing China is not because we want a girl.  Most families want to adopt girls, so we'll take the boys.  I love being a "boymom" and adding 1 more boy would be a blessing to me and to our family.

Please join us as we begin our journey to CHINA.  When our family comes to mind, please say a prayer that we would be in the Lord's will and not our own and that all the finances required would be available.  We are taking a leap of faith and we know if the this is the Lord's will, He will provide to the last penny.

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