Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Meeting Jack

We left the hotel Monday morning (Dec 09) at 9:00am.  We were going to the civil affairs office which was suppose to take 45-60mins but only took 30 mins.  We sat in the lobby making small talk with our guide, which ended up being beneficial because he got me back on Facebook and the blog!
Suddenly, he said, "Well I don't know where they are, lets go upstairs!"  Another couple also came in the office from Nebraska who were meeting their 18 month old son.  And then another lady comes in and says, "JESSICA?"  Yup, we had "met" on FB a week or so earlier and she was there meeting her almost 4 year old son.  I really love social media for this reason.  I meet people from different parts of Canada and the US only to meet up on the other side of the world! 
Jack was the first boy to arrive.  I was in the middle of filling out papers so I couldn't get to him as fast as I would have liked to!  I finally put down the pen and made my way to him...slowly!  His nanny brought him and she was v-e-r-y emotional.  Just imagine handing over a child whom you have cared for and loved as one of your own to a complete stranger.  As much as my heart was happy to finally have Jack, my heart was breaking for this dear lady!  Finally they made the nanny hand him over to me and Jack did not like that at all!  He cried and cried and cried.  I could not calm him down and the nanny was struggling watching him cry so much and so hard.  I was called to sign more papers and I handed Jack to dad.  Within minutes he was fast asleep in dads arms...

This is Jack's nanny (holding him)


A lady (not sure who she was) came and gave me an envelope with Jack's baby picture and medical file (which I will have to have translated).  There was also a cd of pictures which I am so thankful for (haven't looked at them yet...will do that when I'm home with Jon) and a letter from someone who had spent a lot of time with Jack.  When the lady handed me the envelope and I said thank you a million times, she said, "God bless you!"  This is not something I expected to hear from someone in China.  When I read the letter that I had been given the lady had signed it "blessings" -- again not something I would have expected, so there was something I didn't know...and I was very anxious to do some "research" when we got back to the hotel.
Unfortunately "getting back to the hotel" wasn't going to happen for many more hours!  We left the civil affairs office, with the orphanage doctor and director.  The director carried Jack which kept him very calm.  We had to have pictures taken.  The director handed him to me and he didn't cry once.  I'm not being naïve but something in him clicked.  He was calm with me the rest of the day...the rest of a very long day.
After the pictures we had to get to the Bank of China to exchange my Canadian money to make several payments.  Have I mentioned how slow people move around here??  We were in the bank for over an hour!  After the bank we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch.  From there we drove to the notary office.  We spent OVER THREE HOURS there...just sitting in a room...waiting...and waiting!  Our guide said in most provinces this step doesn't take this long, but Urumqi has a different process.  Thankfully the other adoptive mom (from the civil affairs office) was there with her son and her friend.  We were able to have some conversation to pass the time.
This our guide, Thomas and a Dr. at the notary office
Jack still hadn't napped.  One of the ladies kept telling me he was tired - yes I knew that but he was too hyped up.  He finally fell asleep when it was time to leave the notary's.  Next step was the police station.  Urgh, we had to wake Jack up for a picture.  FINALLY we headed back to the was SEVEN P.M.!  What a long, exhausting day.
We skyped with everyone when we finally got back to the hotel.  Jack liked looking at everyone on the computer.  He was very entertained by his big brothers.  I also brought a toy named "Scout"...This is actually Fredrick's but I figured Jack might like it.  I was able to pre-program it to say "Jack" and it sings songs and has night time music as well.  This was WONDERFUL!  Jack loved playing with scout and the music came in handy putting him (and I) to sleep!  I rocked Jack in my arms and he was good for the night.  He slept with me in the bed and we both had a great sleep.
Day 1 = success!